It is not possible to book Sørværstua Lodge without booking boats online (22 ft Kværnø). Please contact us if you want us to book only accommodation at the Sørværstua Lodge, without any boats.
Sørværstua Lodge is recommended if you are a large group willing to stay under the same roof. This is the perfect accommodation for those who want something different from an ordinary hotel bed. The location right by the sea and the wonderful scenery out of the windows must be experienced! Sørværstua Lodge is located in the village of Sørvær, about 35 km from Hasvik where the airport, ferry pier and reception are located. Car or other tranport is therefore needed.
Sørværstua Lodge has a large living room with fireplace and a stunning view over the sea. The cosy kitchen has everything you need for cooking. The lodge has 10 small double rooms with bunk beds, all with private bathrooms. There is also a toilet in the hall. Sørværstua Lodge has its own laundry room, a loft with a TV and an outdoor sauna. Sørvær harbour with gutting facilities and boats is in walking distance. For fishing guests, it may be important to note that Sørvær harbour opens in April.
Sørværstua Lodge is rented out as one unit, you cannot rent a separate room.
Please contact us for a tailored offer if you want to rent it without renting boats.
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